Student Support Event

Check back near spring semester mid-terms…MAHE is planning on holding this event again at that time!



MAHE is asking faculty to commit to come one of the two evenings—and tell their students that they will be available from 5:00 to 10 :00 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday December 6 & 7 to help them with projects, papers or other end of semester concerns. We are also asking faculty to bring a 1/2 sheet to share with their own students about their availability during the last weeks of the semester—and commit to adding two or three extra hours for student support.

We are reserved 244 GB, and are asking you to sign up on our Google Form  We are also producing a flier to share with students and we are working on other on-campus communications regarding this. Bonus to all: we plan to supply pizza and beverages.

We know this is a very busy time for everyone, but we want to demonstrate MAHE member’s commitment to students by going the extra mile to support their success this semester. We are excited that advisors and librarians have told us they plan to attend. Tell your students, and come yourself please.

Student Support Event   Click the link to the left to sign up to participate in this event.  Your students need you!

mahe-sew-v2  Here is the pdf version of the flyer for you to print off and distribute to your students!